Friday 24 October 2008

Plagiarism 2

Unfortunately the product mentioned to help overcome accidental plagiarism (10 Sept 08) does not appear to be currently working. However, there are some excellent alternatives.

Accidental plagiarism refers to those instances when you are building notes through a review of what is on the web. Some of that may include copying text to refer to it later. Unfortunately you are not always to keep track of what were your words, and what was somebody else’s. To use somebody else’s words and not credit them would be accidental plagiarism. Academics have access to several major engines that check students work. But by then it can be too late. However, there are several alternative. Basically they tend to use a simple principle of breaking the text into small chunks and then searching the internet for that chunk. At least one such checker does this by using chunks of up to 32 words (the maximum accepted by Google) and then using Google to track down the quote. It then provides feedback as to where the text was found, and who wrote it. (Free) (subscription)

Keywords: plagiarism, plagiarismdetect, plagiarismchecker, check for plagiarism

1 comment:

divinity said...

Am a university student and following your post I tried all three services, found only worthwhile as it gave the best and most indepth results. The remaining two checked only through the Internet (and missed a few websites there as well), while went deeper and checked journals etc as well. I know it's subscription based, but who want's to risk taking a chance on plagiarism with poor checking from free alternatives?