Friday, 31 October 2008

Learning language on a mobile phone - Calldysc

By definition, dyslexics struggle in the first language, and learning a second is, at best, problematic. Analysing and synthesising new sound, learning vocabulary, and the new grammar and syntax are just some of the areas of difficulty. Calldysc is an EU funded project that brings together partners in the UK, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Sweden and Romania to investigate the potential to use mobile phone to help dyslexic individuals learn English. By providing motivational technology, along with games that are designed with them in mind, it has been possible to demonstrate the possibility to make progress in an area previously known to be difficult for dyslexic individuals. Activities include learning around 150 words of basic vocabulary in ten categories, building adjective-noun combinations, Web 2 social network type activities and learner-developed sentence building games. The games are designed to be played on any Flash-enabled phone as well as the computer, including the very mobile Flash-enabled Linux netbooks. The project does not claim to teach English, but it does show that a combination of motivational technology and structured, sequential, multisensory games can lead to second language learning often well beyond expectations. If you would like to try these games yourself, please send an email to


Keywords: Calldysc, mobile, language learning

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Gigantic gigas

Do you remember your first USB memory stick. If it was a few years ago, it may have been a 64 meg, which us veterans all thought was great as it was better than having a 30cm high stack of floppy discs. Well, sadly (?) I have just bought my latest USB memory (or "pen drive" or whatever you like to call it. I find the diverse terminology for these devices very confusing.), a 32 gig stick, which is only around 2cms long and sits on the keyring (replacing the one on a previous blog). That has eight times more memory than my first Netbook (an Asus EEE), and equal to a stack of floppy discs 64 metres high (roughly the height of a 20 story building).

But the question is why should I have such a huge memory stick? Because it is my main back-up system for the entire computer. While I would still promote and use online storage, I still like to have the physical version, which I can acces irrespective of internet connection. Also, when I take delivery of my next computer, I do not want to simply load up all the old rubbish. I will transfer key files, and have the others always with me on the latest USB memory.

Plus I can carry all my Portable Applications with no problems.

But what if I loose it because it is so small? 1) It is AlLWAYS attached to my keys, 2) I have online backup, 3) all information is also on the new or old computer.

How much was this huge drive? About £20 (€30)

Where? Ah! Its was a little store on the third floor of this mall in ......... China. But coming to a store near you soon!

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Share your documents - ShowDocument

Following on from a whole series of collaborative website comes Show Document. This latest one appears to be trying to create a niche by allowing users to share existing documents rather than the traditional approach of creating the document online and having two people share it. This free software could cut down the need for shared-screen software such as TeamViewer3 (see a previous blog entry) where you share the entire desktop.


Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Forgotten passwords in Firefox

Have you ever wanted to find out what password you used for web site, for example when you change computers or need to access the computer through another machine that is not your regular machine?
Fortunately there is a little known secret entrance in Firefox, which is:
Tools > Options > Security>Saved Passwords>Show Passwords

It stores all the passwords you have asked it to hold.

But make sure nobody is watching over your shoulder when you open it.

Monday, 27 October 2008

Firefox 3.1 Beta

Simple question - is it worth installing the updated Firefox 3.1.
Simple answer: Probably not until the full 3.1 comes out early next year.

It seems they have concentrated on some functionality, and the rumours are that the final version will be a lot faster in loading certain types of files (for the technically minded, particularly those what use Ajax). There is an increased speed function called TraceMonkey, which is turned off when you download it since this part of the beta is apparently a little unstable. But if are happy to live with the glitches and to follow the instructions to turn on the "Go faster stripe", feel free to try it.
However, a word of WARNING - Without telling you until it was too late, it disables FireFTP (uploading software), Firevox (text-to-speech) and Capture Fox (screen capture). If you wish to retain those function, wait for the full versions.

Note that it is already available in 35 languages, and for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux platforms.

Firefox 3.1 Go faster instructions

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Portable Assistive Technology Suite (PATS)

The concept of Portable Applications was mentioned in a previous entry (7th August 2008), but now the idea is to show what else can be achieved. Basically, you can put all the items below onto a USB memory device, and then plug it into any computer. This means you do not have to worry that your favourite software is not available on the machine. (NB The USB device does not have to be a memory stick. It could be carried on a phone, for example, or any other memory device that can be plugged into a computer directly or via a cable.)

The software below is the Portable Assistive Technology Suite, and is in three parts: Portable Apps Suite, Other applications from Portable Apps, and instructions for how to put Skype onto a USB device. Between them they cover most of the applications I need.

Portable Apps Suite
Firefox – Web browser
Thunderbird – Email
Sunbird – Calendar/task manager
ClamWin – Antivirus
Keypass – Password protection
Cool player – Audio player
Sumatra (PDF Reader)
Open Office
Writer (word processor)
Calc (Spreadsheet)
Impress (presentations)
Base (Database utility)
Draw (Drawing)

Audacity (Audio editing and recording)
GIMP (Graphics package)


Portable Apps Suite
Portable Apps
Skype Portable

Portable Assistive Technology Suite, PATS, portable, USB, Firefox, Thunderbird, Sunbird, ClamWin, Keypass, Cool player, Sumatra, Open Office, Writer, Calc, Impress, Base, Draw, Audacity, Magnifier, GIMP, Skype

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Visual web site -

This is not highlighted as a product or service, but an idea that shows at least some of what can be done and which hopefully others will follow. I say "some" because it is a nice idea - using visual imagery to move the user forward - but has not been followed through for the full site. Clearly there is potential in this approach, but it is a pity they did not work on all aspects to fulfil the promise. In the above example you click on the visually demonstrated activity, and it leads you forward. But within a couple of screens you return to having to read text. Also there is no "Alt tag," those little words which help you decide what exactly the picture means, as it is not always clear. However, it is a good start and one which others may follow.
Visual DNA

Keywords: Visual web sites

Friday, 24 October 2008

Plagiarism 2

Unfortunately the product mentioned to help overcome accidental plagiarism (10 Sept 08) does not appear to be currently working. However, there are some excellent alternatives.

Accidental plagiarism refers to those instances when you are building notes through a review of what is on the web. Some of that may include copying text to refer to it later. Unfortunately you are not always to keep track of what were your words, and what was somebody else’s. To use somebody else’s words and not credit them would be accidental plagiarism. Academics have access to several major engines that check students work. But by then it can be too late. However, there are several alternative. Basically they tend to use a simple principle of breaking the text into small chunks and then searching the internet for that chunk. At least one such checker does this by using chunks of up to 32 words (the maximum accepted by Google) and then using Google to track down the quote. It then provides feedback as to where the text was found, and who wrote it. (Free) (subscription)

Keywords: plagiarism, plagiarismdetect, plagiarismchecker, check for plagiarism

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Speech-to-text - Dragon V10

Dragon V10 speech-to-text has now been out for a couple of months, and having asked around, the general opinion is that for most users the change from V9 is minimal. That said, the speed of training is greatly improved. One interesting consequence is that it does appear to do far better with those who have strong accents (e.g. Irish, Welsh, Scouse and Brummie), or have English as an additional language.

Other changes include training can be spread over several session, and the commands have been simplified.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Picture words - Wordle

Sometime you just have to have fun! And this web site is just about that. As you can probably see from the picture above, all you do is submit some text and Wordle does the word count and jumbling to end up with a picture of all the words in the text with size based on the number or times the word is in the text. In this case I used the words from the first three weeks of this blog for this month, put them into the program (you can either put in text or a web address) and the program does the rest. You can then choose your own colour scheme.


Keywords: Wordle, picture, fun

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Visual social networking site - Webbr

I have never been keen on social network sites because I prefer the personal interaction, as well as being concerned about giving away too much personal details. But if it is your thing, then the new Webbr website may be of interest because of its attempt to be more visually based than other similar sites.

It has only just launched, so it is still a Beta version. But it certainly appears to have some promise.


Keywords: Webbr, social networks, visual presentation.

Monday, 20 October 2008

Email and SMS reminders - Soshiku

Soshiku, launched at the end of last month,is a great way to keep track of your assignments and have email and sms reminders sent at appropriate times. From their press release: “Having many classes, many high school and college students receive bad grades because of failure of finding a good system for them to manage their schoolwork efficiently, or from just not caring,” observed Andrew Schaper, Soshiku founder (aged 17). “My mission is to make Soshiku the standard in schoolwork management, and to make it not be a chore.” Once you have a (free) account, you can add assignments and coursework deadlines directly from email, your mobile phone via text messaging (SMS), or the web interface. You can set up how far (and how often) in advance you want the message. You can also have a shared account, to allow a friend or tutor to be part of the process. Soshiku Press release Keywords: Soshiku, reminders, coursework, email, sms

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Touch screens – The next big thing for 2009?

Asus (the company that started the commercial revolution in small laptops/netbooks) are talking about a new touch screen "computer" and while it is in the Eee series, sadly it is not a netbook. If rumours are to be believed, this will happen during November. It is said to be a 15 inch screen and no external keyboard. HP are also looking to launch a touch screen (or series of touch screen) devices later this year in their bid to expand a market area.

Does this mean that the touch screen will become of age in 2009? Certainly they will be useful, as you will no longer have to have that hand-eye coodination which requires looking at the screen while moving a device (the mouse or your finger on the finger pad). So clicking will simply be a case of tapping the screen, and drop down menus will appear at the press of a finger. But personally, I prefer to have a keyboard as the on-screen ones end up covering have of the screen area.

In the meantime, I hear that Emotiv are looking to launch some form of "mind control mouse" to move an on-screen cursor.

And we should also reflect on the implications of the latest research coming out of California that says surfing the web keeps you young. (If that is true, I should have the mind of a three year old.) Basically they said that the high number of decisions that need to be made by experienced internet user is more stimulating that reading, and maintains the brain activity, and thereby could slow down degeneration.

I guess in a few years time we shall see research shows how the cursor moves for an older person whose mind keeps wondering!

Asus touchscreen


BBC report on ageing and computers

Keywords: Asus, touchscreens, ageing, mind control

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Speech-to-text controller

Having been looking at and playing with speech-to-text for some time, I could not help but smile at where we are now when I saw this.

There are many types of universal remote controls, and who has not picked up the tv controller and found it controls something entirely different. Well, now there is a universal remote control that is voice activated. No more confusion over which button (or which "remote") does what. Just train the device and it will do what you want.

Dyslexia friendly? Well you do not have to remember which controller to user. But sadly I doubt it will respond to "Find me an interesting program."


Update 31/12/08 - Sadly this appears to no longer be available.

Keywords: Speech-to-text, TV controller

Friday, 17 October 2008

Advanced search strategies

As more data stored on search engine database, so it becomes more difficult to be sure you find the right answers appear at the top of the list. However, there are some ways to minimise the amount of unwanted results by following some simple rules. Here are three very simple rules that will often produce better search results:

1) Identify a string of words that need to be present.

2) Choose a word combination that is unique to the subject, and put inverted commas around it to indicate that the two words must appear together in order.

3) If you are looking for an authoritative document, it is more likely to be in the form or a pdf. Therefore select pdf as the document type

4) Use the minus sign to remove and words that you do not want.

5) Try putting a key word in the URL. (Unfortunately, Google does not allow you to “multitask” by having one word in the URL and a different word combination to be found in the PDF using their menus. But you can do that if you know the conventions.)

6) Use adaptive hierarchical strategies to achieve the desired outcome.

Here are two examples:

Example 1: Max Colheart (or was it Coltheart or Colhard or Colthard?) wrote an academic paper about lexicons a few years ago, I think. What was it called and how can I get a copy? (NB In an academic paper, the name is more likely to appear as Coltheart M.)

Max Colheart lexicon filetype:pdf

Attempt 1 gave me 24 results, which seem too few.

Google asked “Did you mean: Max Coltheart lexicon filetype:pdf”

Coltheart give 1750 and is therefore more likely.

Then I tried "Max Coltheart" cv – I found four papers, and the one I want (Coltheart, M. (2004) Are there lexicons? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 57A, 1153-1171.)

Example 2: There was a UK government sponsored report a few years ago by some professor about learning styles who said that most of them had no validity. If I remember correctly, it had a blue cover. Where can I get a copy?

This was found first time with: Professor “learning styles” filetype:pdf

Keywords: Search, Google

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Translation and text to speech - IM Translator

It is difficult to do justice to this site since it does so much and all I can say is Try It! What make it special? Find some text, put it in the top box, pick a language and it will translate it for you. And then speak it out loud in that language, all for free.

You will need to sign in, and there are restrictions as to how many words in a single go. But it is quite amazing. Languages include Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and Swedish.

And to show you what it can do, here is the opening of Alice in Wonderland, translated into French (sorry but I cannot possibly comment on that) and then translated back into English (see for yourself).

Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, `and what is the use of a book,'thought Alice `without pictures or conversation?'

Alice commençait à devenir très fatiguée du fait de s'asseoir par sa soeur sur la banque et du fait d'avoir rien en commun : une ou deux fois elle avait jeté un coup d'oeil dans le livre que sa soeur lisait, mais il n'y avait aucune peinture ou conversations, `et quelle est l'utilisation d'un livre,' a pensé Alice `sans peintures ou conversation ?'

Alice began becoming very tired to sit down by her sister on the bank and to have nothing together: one or two times it had had a quick look in the book which her sister read, but there was no painting or dialogues, `et what is the use of a book, ' thought Alice `sans painting or dialogue? '

Of course it does raise some issues, such as should it be used for doing homework? But that is not for me to comment.

IM Translator

Keywords: Text-to-speech, translation

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

New wave concept mapping

Mindmeister has a growing number of people extolling its virtues as it embraces the "Web 2" principles, such as being able to import from the browser, and construct concept maps via emails from the mobile phone and Blackberry. No doubt some people will benefit, but will it help the dyslexic user. Surely you have to structure your thoughts even better before you submit something. So it may be fun to try, but I have as yet not seen how it could be beneficial. That said, this is still an online free (or paid if you want the premium service) concept mapping tool and worth exploring for its "normal" characteristics, including online sharing.


Keywords: Mindmeister, online, concept mapping, shared

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Scanning translator

Wizcomtech provide three simple hardware solutions: a) Quicktionary - translate printed text: b) InfoScan - Portable scanner for note-taking and c) ReadingPen + Portable scanning translator. These have been around for some years but are still new to many people. They have a huge storage capability (around 500 pages) though this would be tiresome when you do it at a few lines per scan. However, some dyslexic users have realised that it is the perfect tool to take on holiday for those who did not master a language. One wipe of the menu and you will immediately know what you have just ordered.


Keywords: Hand scanner, translator, Wizcomtech

Monday, 13 October 2008

Screen Capture - CamStudio

CamStudio is a nice little free piece of software that is great for capturing what is happening on your screen. Unlike CaptureFox which only captures what is inside the browser (see 4th October), CamStudio captures whatever area you specify. The software is reasonably intuitive, but I thought I would try to find a decent YouTube video to recommend. Unfortunately I failed. However, below are a couple of videos that will help get you started.


YouTube Camstudio Tutorial 1

YouTube Camstudio Tutorial 2

Keywords: CamStudio, screen capture, video

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Finance and free software

Last weekend I reflected on the fact that Open Office is an excellent resources which works as well as Microsoft Office, and that increasingly people are turning to this cost effective (free) solution. Now, after an incredible week of stock market crashes around the world, I can imagine this will give corporations and government institutions greater incentive to investigate alternative to the default packages of Microsoft. And as luck (?) would have it, tomorrow (Monday 13 October) sees the launch of OpenOffice 3.0, the latest version of this software.

However, it is also a time to reflect what may happen to other software, and particularly the free software that has been highlighted on this blog. Of course the answer depends on the particular site, but a little digging by TDB (TechnoDys Blog) reveals that some of the more prestigious and well developed website have been financed by the very banks that are now in the midst of the financial crisis. So why did the banks invest in these web site ventures? Because they see the potential to develop a web site following which will lead to "advertising" revenue and potential sale of the product to one of the internet giants. But what happens if the funder fails? Probably a lot of people will be left unpaid, and already many of these companies have laid of up to a third of their staff. However, there will still be a (virtual) product, which hopefully somebody will buy, even if not at the price the original investors hoped. So the results should not disappear, but may end up with a makeover that adds advertisements.

Another example of how things are changing is that 38,000 municipal workers in Washington DC are now use Google Apps. Not to mention a claimed further 500,000 organisations are also using the products. But why should Google offer an apparently free service? Because there are two versions. They get money for the ads that you cannot avoid in the programs, or you pay money to keep the ads away. So you could say it is a win-win situation.

OpenOffice 3

Keywords: Open Office, freeware, Google

Saturday, 11 October 2008

Talking blog - Blogbard

I have been looking for some time for a way for this blog to be spoken, and therefore more dyslexia friendly. Finally I have found this. It has been around for some months, though still in a beta version. Quite simply, go to the website, put in the blog address, and it will play the entries for you. I have as yet to explore it in full, but apparently I can listen to blog on my iPhone, Blackberry or similar device. Sound quality is very high, and no sign-up is required to use it.


Keywords: Blogbard, talking blog, text-to-speech

Friday, 10 October 2008

Online Whiteboard - Scribblar

You could say that this is just another free online whiteboard system. But one reason for giving it a try is that you do not need to register. You simply go to the site, give yourself a user name (without logins) and it gives you a "room." This you can share with others, and they too can make changes.


Keywords: Scribblar, online whiteboard, free

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Typing tutor - Nessie Fingers

Why can't all learning programs be like Nessie Fingers, which not only teaches typing, but also helps you do it in such a fun way? Designed for the younger learner, this appears to be a good example of a program designed for the task at hand, which is provide reluctant learners with the opportunity to learn skills that will help them display their talents.

Nessie Fingers

Keywords: Nessie Fingers, typing tutor, child

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Zoom It

This simple little program allows you to zoom in using Ctrl + 1. It is a neat tool from Microsoft, and allows you to zoom in to any part of the screen.

Zoom It

Keywords: ZoomIt, magnifier, freeware

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

GIMP - The free equivalent of Photoshop

The industry standard for image manipulation is Photoshop. But it is expensive even if you are entitled to educational discounts. However there is a free version called GIMP (it stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program - GNU refers to the type of licence, being free.). It does most of the things that the other programs do, and at a professional quality. A few of the more sophisticated techniques may not be present, but most of the functions are there.


Keywords: Gimp, Photoshop, image manipulation, freeware

Monday, 6 October 2008

SearchMe - The Visual Browser

There have been many attempts to produce a visual type of browser (for example, AT&Ts Pogo is still in development). However, this one illustrated here provides the alternative, which is to make the search engine rather than the browser produce the visual content. It appear to work the same as other browsers in that it goes looking for information throughout the web. But then it shows what it finds as the visual version of the page rather than just text. This is particularly useful if you have already visited the site but cannot remember its name. The visual image may help you remember. Hopefully it will reach wide acceptance.


Keywords: SearchMe, visual browser, Pogo

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Free software vs Commercial software

The old expression is that you get what you pay for. So if software is free, does that mean it is worth nothing? And if it is so good why don't more people use it and why buy the commercial software?

The answer is a combination of reasons, which depend the 4Ps - the product, the purpose, the person and the promotion.

For example, OpenOffice is as good as Microsoft Office and people's fear of incompatibility are unfounded. Yet they stick with the latter because "if it was that good everybody else would use it." However, contracts like the million Linux laptops to Venezuela last month and the half a million in Portugal in July may change all that, since OpenOffice is installed on all those machines. (The cost of Microsoft Office would be almost as much as the computer.)

And it it is free, then there can be little money for promotion (unless you are Google or similar) or product placement. So not everybody knows about the potential. Furthermore, people in big business feel important if they have big budgets. But imagine how much money would be saved if a university changed to OpenOffice or GoogleDocs.

From a more dyslexia-centred perspective, what about software like concept mapping or text-to-speech?

Concept mapping in principle is a relatively straight forward program, as the introduction of several online have recently shown. However, it is the detail the counts. For example, Inspiration and Kidspiration have huge picture libraries. MindFull is not alone in having sound recording, but is a lost cost solution that included this (dyslexia-friendly) option. Some people talk about the advantages of different layout. But that is minor, and if they wanted and made a commercial difference, developers could allow users to change the layout mode. It is likely that online collaborative concept mapping will be more important in future, possibly with the emergence of remote tutoring. Already at least one commercial concept mapping software producer has launched an online version of their software.

Text-to-speech (TTS) is a little different. What the additional money pays for is the quality of the voice. Free TTS uses free Microsoft voices. Commercial programs use commercial voices. These are more "human" like with better sound for each word, better sound "rhythms" in sentences, better ability to handle headings, bullet points etc. Furthermore they now allow the document to be saved as an mp3 or wav sound file to be played back later.

So, as always, it depends on the use. If it is just a very basic requirement, want to experiment or are waiting for funding, then try the free versions. If you need quality and support, and you have a budget, then invest in the commercial software.

Keywords: Freeware, commercial, OpenOffice, Microsoft Office, Google Docs, concept mapping, text-to-speech

Saturday, 4 October 2008

Screen Capture for Firefox

While YouTube is great if you have time to trawl through and find something that suits your needs, wouldn't it be easier if you had something made just for you? Or when you had cracked how to do something, you could share it with others?

There is a new firefox add-on called CaptureFox that allows you to capture whatever is happening inside the Firefox browser window (including videos), and add your voice if you want.

What would be nice is if teachers, tutors and students would share their newly acquired knowledge and made recommendations through a sort of mini-tutorial system using capture software like this.

And in case you cannot find it, the Stop Recording button is hidden in the bottom right corner.

Capture Fox

Keywords: CaptureFox, screen capture, videos

Friday, 3 October 2008

Online spreadsheets

Spreadsheets are not usually the first point of discussion when it comes to support software for the dyslexic individual. However, they can be very useful tools to help develop being systematic, such as keeping track of money. This software works like Excel except you can share the results with others. So two people can share and modify online the same spreadsheet.


Keywords: Editgrid, freeware, online, spreadsheets, shared

Thursday, 2 October 2008

What is a mobile?

In the past it was easy to say that “mobile” meant a handheld phone. But this is not so simple now. Why is this relevant? Because schools are banning “mobiles”, which may be considered vital to many dyslexic individuals. At the very least, the mobile is being promoted for dyslexics as a tool to hold calendars, reminders, notes, dictionaries and the sound recorder. To have a blanked ban would be to remove this provision for dyslexic individuals.

Furthermore, with some netbooks now coming with built in Skype phones, the distinction is becoming blurred. Would they ban the netbooks as well?

The problem is not the technology, but the users. There are many solutions. But one is to insist on phones being stores in lockers (are there low cost microlockers to store phones and money?) while placing no restrictions on dyslexic individuals, provided they never used the phone for calls or SMS (or remove the SIM card).

There is no simple answer, but it is a problem that needs to be address if the dyslexic user is not to be disempowered once more.

Keywords: mobile phone, netbooks, storage

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

September Summary

From my perspective there is always plenty to put on this blog every day. But from a reader's perspective going through each and every entry can be exhausting. So, starting this month, I shall do a short summary of the previous month at the start of each month. (Dates will appear in brackets.)

BATS (Basic Assistive Technology Suite)
This month started with the first version of BATS, my Basic Assistive Technology Suite. What makes this different is that everything that is recommended is free (1 September). This is not to suggest that all of these recommendations are long term solutions, but they can be a very useful way to try software while waiting for the funding to become available. Commercial software exists because it is (almost always) better quality and support. But this is a good place to start.

Laptops and power
Laptops (is that the right word these days?) featured on several days, with a mention of netbooks (30) and the next generation of plastic e-books (25). There was also mention of battery life (8, 9, 13) as well as a mobile wind-up charger.

Assistive software
Text to speech had two mentions (17, 22) as did concept mapping (5, 6). Related to that are whieboards (11). Other highlights were sound recording (19) and screen capture (20). Stickies also had a mention.

Storage was discussed twice (15, 16), password protection once (3) and data recovery was also highlighted (4).

Edysgate was signposted (29) on the day it won an award in Austria.

The other areas discussed were easy reading wiki (27), the Google Chrome browser ((2,7) and their mobile phone platform (24). A new browser experience was also listed (26). Plagarism and authorship was discussed in two posts (10, 28). Fonts also had two mentions (14, 21), and the Maltron keyboard also received some attention (18).

Keywords: September Summary