Sunday, 25 January 2009

25. Bringing it all together - Embed

Last week saw the first meeting of a new and exciting collaboration that will bring together much of the previous work in the field of dyslexia, and in particular that relating to projects funded by the EU. EMBED (Short for "Embedding Dyslexia-Responsive Practices in Lifelong Learning") is an EU funded project that looks to combine the experience, products and findings of a series of projects that have had a greater or lesser impact upon the dyslexic individual, and ensure that these good practices are embedded into all aspects relating to the dyslexic individual, from government policy, to school practice.

The projects of particular interest are "Adystrain" (supporting employers and lecturers), "Calldysc" (mobile language learning), "Dystrain" (e-learning course for teachers), "Dyspatec" (parental support), "Edysgate" (cognitive games for young adults), "Forward" (teaching adults), "Include" (adult self-support), "iSHeds" (higher eduction support in the Balkans), "Success" (school-based support) and "Provision and Use of ICT by Dyslexia Students at University in Europe" (survey of ICT use).

Details of all the above project will be available through the project website.

The work within these projects will be the prime concern of the project. However, there will also be interest in the wider activities and project that have been carried out in each country.

The key areas of interest are:
  • Provision and support for dyslexic child
  • Provision and support for dyslexic adults
  • Information and communcation technology
  • Dyslexia related policies

The Embed project work in these areas will lead reports and wider access to resources developed during the previous projects.

The partnership included the following:
Leader - Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Bulgaria - Centre for Inclusive Education
Italy - Pixel
Poland - Centrum KsztaƂcenia Ustawicznego
Spain - CREA
UK - Ibis Creative Consultants Ltd

The website for the project will be launched by the end of February. Details will be made available on this blog entry. For further details, please contact Ian Smythe -

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