Saturday, 24 October 2009

24. Keeping up-to-date with Twitter

If, like me, you are pragmatic and will use anything where its advantages are obvious, you will still be "dubious" about value-added with Twitter. Sadly, the first time I have seen it of "use" was when I watched the progress of a two fundraisers on a journey to London. (Cracknell and Foley riding a Rickshaw from Edinburgh in 60 hours.) But this is not exactly learning, and not dyslexia related. But rather than be out in the cold and dismissive, I try to be inclusive. So here is a website that has a whole collection of links that may help you get started. I look forward to reading of uses that support the dyslexic individual.

And do I have a Twitter account? Yes, currently averaging one entry a month.

50 sources of Twitter help

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