Thursday 13 August 2009

13. Speech to text

I beleive what is happening in many areas of technology, including speech-to-text, is that the heavy work end of the service is moving away from the end user and onto the internet. So in the past, to search the web using speech-to-text you had to have the software installed locally. But now you can speak to the mobile phone and the search is carried out using speech-to-text that is held online. It will only be a matter of time before there is full speech-to-text for ordinary document writing online too.

23-Oct-08 Speech-to-text - Dragon V10
19-Nov-08 Search the web by voice on your iPhone
09-Mar-09 Sounding off - With Vista Speech Recognition
30-Mar-09 Voice search - Blackberry and Google
12-Apr-09 Remote control by voice
18-Jun-09 Speech-to-text - Dragon 10 (video)
21-Jun-09 Window 7 speech-to-text - a review
16-Jul-09 Mobile speech to text - Voice on the Go

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