Saturday, 19 December 2009

19. A suite to suit your language - Lupo Pensuite

Lupo Pensuite (I am not sure why the name!) is a set of programs all in one suite. It includes 7-Zip, Audacity, CCleaner, eMule, FileZilla, Firefox, Foxit Reader, GIMP, IrfanView, Notepad++, Opera, Pidgin, Thunderbird, µTorrent, VLC and many more. Of course not all are for the dyslexic user. But having them as portable version that can be accessed from a USB that travels with you is a good idea. And you can add your own portable software too. Of great importance is that they are available in 28 languages. (Arabic, Brazilian (Port.), Catalan, Chinese (Simpl.), Chinese (Trad.), Czech, Danish, Deutsch, Dutch, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Swedish, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian), with an invitation to contribute more.

Lupo PenSuite

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